A villainous note from the Editor Namaste, VILLAINS! We hope that you had a villainous Christmas and Santa left you some VILLAIN merchandise. Speaking of VILLAIN merchandise, the VILLAIN HOLIDAY BLOWOUT SALE is only running for 5 more days, so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A villainous note from the Artist Seasons Greetings VILLAINS!!! It’s a Merry Christmas for Backdraft as he’s surprised by a few knuckle sandwiches by Alpha! Now that you’ve enjoyed the new page go back to opening presents and stuffing your[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A villainous note from the Inker FWRRSH!!!! That’s right people!! BACKDRAFT!! And he’s here to bring you scorching heat and mayhem! And maybe even a pint! And who is that guy he’s burning? Is that Galaxy? Man! That golden hair[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…