A Villainous note from the Artist
Greetings VILLAINS! So, what happens when your Achilles gets taken out? You fall down. Now that Velocity has just knocked himself out (He ain’t dead yet folks!), it seems Kalaso is in the process for taking a tumble! But wait! What’s he about to fall onto? GASP! Not a church spire! Yes, it’s a fucking church spire. But he’s not officially dead yet! We’ll have to see what happens on the next page. Like our good buddy Keith said in the comments section of the last page, “taken out by inches.” I can honestly say I have done the same with various women in my time. Will Kalaso die next? You never know, one of the other heroes might meet their maker while fighting one of the other Henchmen. We still have the Forecast, Whiteout, and Jumbo in the mix so anything can happen ya’ll! Personally, I would like to see Whiteout eat it first. That dude’s a prick. What’s been real fun is that the last 3-4 pages happen in literally 2-10 seconds comic page time. It’s all happening so fast, but not really. Death is the name of the game friends, and no one can escape it. Not even you.
Tobe Daranouvong
We don’t know for certain what our next show is going to be, but we’ll keep you posted VILLAINS! This month we have no shows planned and it’s usually safe to say that we don’t have any shows in December either. We normally like taking this time to compose ourselves and get ready to print Issue 6! We’ll be hitting it hard in the new year though! Thank you all for reading and supporting us week after week. We’ll see you next update!
aww stop it, youse guys is makin’ me blush.
The bigger they are …