A Villainous note from the Writer Hello again Villains. Lots and lots going on in the Villaverse (tm bitch!). These next few pages are really going to open your eyes as to what’s really going on in Legend City. Pay[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged comic books
A Villainous note from the Artist Greetings VILLAINS! In the words of our very own Backdraft,” WHAT THE FUCK?!!” A hidden door on the side of a mountain?!!! The freakin’ Inventor??!!! What the shit is going on? Well, we know[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A Villainous note from theĀ Editor Namaste, VILLAIN! What’s up? It’s VILLAIN Friday and we’re bringing you a brand new page again today as always! What are these Henchmen up to? Backdraft’s going to find out sneaking around and lurking behind[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…