:Delighted: A Villainous note from the Artist Greetings VILLAINS!! Update day, as we check in with the oh-so-villainous Henchmen. Who wouldn’t be on Alpha’s side after the showing he put on in the last issue? It’s only page 6, so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
:Girl-Teasing: A Villainous note from the Editor Namaste, VILLAINS! It’s VILLAIN Friday and you know that’s really a thing now. #villainfriday Be sure to tweet it, VILLAINS. Anyways, what an awesome page today. You gotta love Backdraft’s response to Matthew trying[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
:Shout: A Villainous note from the Writer Hello again Villains. In all this bloody fun, it’s easy to lose sight that this story is about a man who is still suffering from a deep loss. Matthew can block the pain[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…