:Delighted:   A Villainous note from the Artist

Greetings VILLAINS!! Update day, as we check in with the oh-so-villainous Henchmen. Who wouldn’t be on Alpha’s side after the showing he put on in the last issue? It’s only page 6, so we’re only scraping the surface of this issue. You don’t wanna miss what happens next! Okay…So, I ran out of things to talk about in this blog. Hmmm…well, maybe Nathan would be willing to do a strip tease for you via Skype! What Nathan? Okay folks, he’s actually charging $4.20 per dance and there’s actually a waiting list, but MANY satisfied customers. Get in line!!

Tobe Daranouvong

On Sunday, December 14, VILLAIN will be at SAC-CON for it’s final convention appearance for the year! It will be held at the Scottish Rite Center in Sacramento, CA. The entire VILLAIN team will be there, including former VILLAIN inker Larry Haines. It’ll be your chance to get Issues 1 and 2 signed by all involved! Also, Villain T-Shirts are selling out fast so come on down to get yours!

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