A Villainous note from the Writer

Hello again Villains! I know you’ve waited patiently since the big reveal at the end of issue 10 and now, after some sweet variants, it’s time to get back to our story. We begin back where we left Matthew, in the middle of another superhero right of passage, a press conference. He’s good at telling people what they want to hear but he can’t help but lay in some smooth innuendo about his true self, or as Shanda would say “In the window”. So since this is the first page and because I’m still pretty sure no one reads these, I’m going to give you 5 amazing teases for this issue. Ready? Okay, stop yelling!

Number 1- Cross-cycle!

Number 2- Lots of Heroes!

Number 3- An epic team up!

Number 4- A bitter confrontation!

And finally number 5- A new mother fucking plan!

That’s just the tip Villains. I haven’t even put it half way in yet. Till next time evil-doers!!!

Nathan Gonzales

TOMORROW!!! Bakersfield Collector-Con where Alpha Q Comics and VILLAIN will be a special guest! We will have an amazing booth complete with a brand new banner, selling Villain #1-3 as well as t-shirts and prints! Tobe will be there selling his own prints and doing commissions. Come on down and enter the world famous VILLAIN raffle to win some awesome prizes! We would like to thank Nick Avalos for making it happen for us and for support VILLAIN!! We hope to see you tomorrow!!!

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