A Villainous note from the Artist

Greetings VILLAINS! Are you enjoying the mass killing of the main Supervillains of our universe? Remember, the “REAL” villains in our story, according to Matthew anyway, are the Superheroes, but that is something we have in store for you later. I have to tell you that there is a giddiness that happens inside me when I see both the Alpha and Omega costumes in the same panel and that’s not just Nathan trying to touch me either. Keep in mind that the ruse hasn’t even begun yet. And what’s up with Matthew going into P.S. I Love You’s holding cell all on his own and coming out so quickly? Just remember that all of this is happening underneath the prison. The shot of them walking away from the scene like badasses makes me happy.  Above them there are inmates escaping, alarms blaring, and Superheroes en route. We’re just getting started folks!

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Tobe Daranouvong

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