Issue 15 Page 14
A Villainous note from the Writer
Hello again Villains! Well shit, looks like I’m doing two in a row and you know what that means? That’s right my Villains, this ones going to be unfocused and jammed packed with words. Words that make sentences. Sentences that, if used properly in the hands of professionals, can be used to make paragraphs. Paragraphs that can, if proper blood sacrifices happen in the correct order, make up an essay. An essay that might, and I can’t stress that enough, might, if used with great care could turn into a blog. And this blog Villains, oh this blog, it could be the greatest of all the blogs. Destroying all other blogs within it’s path. Sparring only the best female blogs for breeding purposes, till it could create an army of only the greatest blogs to take control of the world!! Too bad it’s not this blog, oh well. Till next time evil-doers!
Nathan Gonzales
Colossus Con and Grape City Con were successes for the VILLAIN crew! We did our panel in front of about 12-15 people and sold a butt load of printed copies of VILLAIN. Thank you to all who came out!
So, when he’s in group therapy he’s jealous of the other murderers and rapists who feel guilty about the things they did? “It’s not fair, why don’t I FEEL anything? Everyone else gets some guilt