A Villainous note from the Writer

Nathan Gonzales

Like Nathan mentioned, come to Oro-Con THIS SATURDAY at Featherfalls Casino and pick up your copies of VILLAIN!! We’ll probably be making an early exit that day so get there early!

Colossus Con and Grape City Con were successes for the VILLAIN crew! We did our panel in front of about 12-15 people and sold a butt load of printed copies of VILLAIN. Thank you to all who came out!

Our next conventions are sort of up in the air as the Spring/Summer months tend to get real busy for our personal lives. We MAY have contenders in both May and June. The only one we are confirmed for so far is Oro-Con in Oroville, CA at Featherfalls Casino on the first weekend in June. We normally take the month of July off because of San Diego Comic Con but then it’s full steam ahead in August with Chico-Con and Stockton-Con, both pretty large shows! Thanks for reading VILLAINS! We’ll see you next update.

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