A Villainous note from the Artist

Greetings Villains! As we come to the conclusion of Issue 9 there is one thing that comes to my mind.

“Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance!!” The heroes seem to have this city within the palms of their hands, and only seem to worry about their public perception instead of the actual people, or even each other. How come none of these “heroes” are wondering where Pride and Eddie Wizard are? They are too worried about their endorsements. I wonder what the paycheck is to be a superhero in Legend City? Seems like a cake walk, if all the main super villains are already locked up. Maybe that’s why these dicks are so cocky. Heh, heh. See what I did there? Now that we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming, I want to remind you readers that this is only the beginning of the second arc and if you’ve read the first arc, then you know that the madness is just beginning. Have a villainous couple days till next update VILLAINS!!!!

Tobe Daranouvong

Alpha Q Comics and VILLAIN will be at East Bay Comic Con this Sunday in Concord, Ca and the Concord Hilton.!!! Come one down and grab VILLAIN 1-3. We will have a show special! Buy a t-shirt, Villain issues 1-3 for $30 and you will get a FREE head sketch of any character of your choosing from me! Come out and support Indy comics!

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