:Movie-Time:  A Villainous note from the Artist

Greetings, VILLAINS! I’m here for the very last variant cover for issue 9 done by the awesome, the wonderful , the amazing 2b! Wait…THAT’S ME!!!! I’m here to do a little shameless self promotion. I’m hoping you’re digging journeying even further into the past with Matthew. I assure you that everything will click once we come back to the aftermath of what happened in issue 8. With that said, please go check out my DeviantART page to see more of my work, VILLAIN and otherwise. I will supply the link after my diatribe. It’s been a great 2014 for VILLAIN and we are super excited to continue bringing you the BEST damn Super Villain comic in the Galaxy. I really enjoyed this cover because it sums up the duality of Matthew, our every-man, which speaks to the duality of man in general. There is always a good and bad, a light and dark, a beginning and an end, an ALPHA and an OMEGA. HA! See what I did there? The next page will continue the story and we’re full speed ahead into issue 9. What will happen to Matthew and his merry band of henchmen now that the top duo in Legend City have been erased. How will the heroes react? Where do the big VILLAINS fit into this? WHEN WILL MATTHEW WEAR THE OMEGA SUIT?!?!?! Keep it bookmarked!!! Follow me on all the social networks!!!




Tobe Daranouvong

On Sunday, December 14, VILLAIN will be at SAC-CON for it’s final convention appearance for the year! It will be held at the Scottish Rite Center in Sacramento, CA. The entire VILLAIN team will be there, including former VILLAIN inker Larry Haines. It’ll be your chance to get Issues 1 and 2 signed by all involved! Also, Villain T-Shirts are selling out fast so come on down to get yours!

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