:Who-s-the-man: A Villainous note from the Artist

Greetings Villains! Today we start off our variant cover goodness with a piece featuring everyone’s favorite burner Backdraft, done by Paul Yerro. Paul provided the colors for Villain Origins: Cross! Unfortunately, Paul cannot stay on the team to continue in the second story arc due to personal reasons. So, what does that mean for VILLAIN? That means yours truly will step back into the driver’s seat in terms of colors and continue to dazzle and amaze you with my truly remarkable skills using only TWO hues!

Next update will be the title page. Yeah, I know just a bunch of text but there will also be other updates as well. The Villain video blog episode 7 will go live as well a brand new intro to the website. The gallery will be updated and we are working on migrating the Villain store to a different platform so stay tuned!

Tobe Daranouvong

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