:Shout: A Villainous note from the Editor

Namaste, VILLAINS! Things are heating up over here at  VILLAIN headquarters. VILLAIN #9 is rolling ahead with some smokin’ Variant Covers by Paul Yerro, Larry Haines, Warin Johnson and our very own, Tobe Daranouvong. We are also releasing a brand new video blog today featuring a close inside look into the VILLAIN world. Be sure to check it and and share it with everyone! EVERYONE! I say! By the way, have you hit up the VILLAIN store? Why not buy that special VILLAIN in your life an awesome Christmas gift? It’s all there waiting for you in the VILLAIN store. Do you want to meet the VILLAIN Team? We’ll be Special Guests in Fresno, CA on November 16th at the Fresno Collectors Expo and you can also catch us in Sacramento, CA on December 14th at Sac. Con!I told you. I told you. It’s getting hot here at the headquarters. Wait! What’s that you’re saying, Tobe? Yes! VILLAIN is the best online graphic novel! Yes! I will shout it from the rooftops! VILLAIN! VILLAIN! VILLAIN!
(whisper) VILLAIN!

Shanda Daranouvong

Check out the new intro to the website featuring the process for the regular cover of issue 9, the new additions to the gallery, links are up top, and of course the new shiny video blog which you can find in the post right under this blog!!

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