A Villainous note from the Artist

          Greetings Villains! Matthew is not very happy and wants to know what the Inventor is up to. I think it’s safe to say that the Inventor is only out for himself considering he is the one who is in possession of Pride and Eddie’s souls and is keeping that fact away from Matthew, among many things. You may be asking yourself, “Well, in the PRESENT timeline, the Inventor is still in prison! ” You are absolutely right, and I promise you that we will find out why soon but if you’ve been reading carefully, the breadcrumbs are there.

If you haven’t noticed, when you go to our main site villain-comic.com, there is no more Flash intro, since it will no longer be supported by browsers in the near future. Instead, it features our publisher Alpha Q Comics’ logo which has some awesome future plans! AND you are automatically directed to the comic!!

THIS WEEKEND is Stockton-Con 2015!!! Saturday and Sunday at the Stockton Arena. Alpha Q Comics booth #12 will be in full effect reppin’ VILLAIN! The central Valley is where we are all from so come on down and grab your print copies of VILLAIN 1-3 and a t-shirt!! I will also be doing commissions and selling my personal art prints! Hope to see you there!

Tobe Daranouvong

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