Duality!! Symmetry!! Themes that are string in this story of the Villain. Your Insidious Inker/ artist here!!! Once a friend, now enemies! Have you ever had a friend betray you? What if that betrayal led to the death of your kids? Would you want revenge? Would you NEED revenge? Strangling someone is a pretty personal way of killing someone. Because the death of Matthews kids was so personal to him, I would imagine he would make the killing of the heroes as personal event as possible. I can’t wait until we finally figure out Galaxy’s complete origin!!
Larry Haines
On June 6, 2015, Alpha Q Comics and VILLAIN will be a SPECIAL GUEST at Bakersfield Collector-Con!! This is the first time that we will be in the Bakersfield area and are so excited for the show! It will be held at the Kern County Fairgrounds from 10 am – 5 pm. Check out the flyer below!!
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