A villainous note from the Artist

Greetings my vile, veracious and villainous friends! Page 19 is live and it reveals something HUGE! The Omega Suit, Matthew’s other identity in his quest to destroy the heroes. In the PAST storyline we haven’t seen him wear either of his suits. It is fitting for us to see it in the PRESENT since we already know he succeeds in his quest. I wish I could tell you more because I am overflowing with excitement with what’s to come! I think that we have something very special here. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Matthew, the Alpha and the Omega! If you have been an avid reader of VILLAIN then you will have seen that our Logo indeed has the Alpha and Omega symbols eluding to this very concept.

Issue 4 is wrapping up and the debut of our side series, VILLAIN: Origins, is right after. It’s going to be chance for you to get to know our characters with more depth, to find out what makes them tick and where they fit into our crazy little world called VILLAIN. The first up is Pride and Eddie Wizard. I have really been enjoying these two characters and I hope it shows on the page. If you take a look back at pg 10 of Issue #1 you already know their fate.

Tobe Daranouvong