A villainous note from the Writer

Hello again Villains, it’s Christmas in June! At least for Matthew it is. He’s past his test and now he can truly begin his plan of destruction. But first he has to make some hard choices about what he wants to use. How fun would that be? What would you use to reek havoc upon your enemies?  Personally I’m a bare hands kinda guy, so I would go with strength enhancers and a full body energy shield. Close enough to taste the blood, but that’s just me.

While I have you reading, I would like to give a big shout out to Cory and Spencer, and Trevor the comic book guy from the Weekly Weekday podcast. If you haven’t already check them out on the link below, you should do so. They were nice enough to give us some time to help spread the Villain nation world wide and we thank them for that. How can you pass up the chance to hear me ramble? Till next time evil-doers.

Don’t forget about VILLAIN: Origins debuting after we wrap issue 4. First you’ll learn a little more about Legend City’s dynamic duo, Pride and Eddie Wizard!

Nathan Gonzales