Issue 8 Page 4
A villainous note from the Artist
Greetings vile VILLAINS! With all of the featured variant covers out of the way we will now go full steam ahead through issue 8 and the end of the first story arc! Weren’t they all AMAZING?! That Inventor, got his hands on all the puppet strings. Who is this shadowy figure? Why don’t you go back to the beginning and see if you can figure it out! Be sure to check the BRAND NEW Villain Store, Issue 2 is now for sale and any purchase of Villain 1 or 2 will also get you a free digital copy of the issue which you can read with any comic reader app. Villain t-shirts are still available so get yours now printed by the awesome! Also be sure to pop on by the gallery, there have been additions to it. Spend a little time and smell the roses and check out some amazing artwork. If you’re perusing the site and nothing seems to work, please blame Nathan, because its a 95% chance that it’s his fault. As a matter of fact, 99.3% chance that it’s his fault.
VILLAIN will be at SAC-CON this Sunday June 1st in Sacramento, Ca! Come by the booth for villainous swag, get issue 2 and your t-shirt before Nathan buys them all! See you there!!
Tobe Daranouvong
wondering if I missed something.