A Villainous note from the Editor

Namaste, VILLAINS. It’s VILLAIN Friday and we’re bringing you some more ass kicking today with a behind the scenes look at Backdraft’s story and how he came to be where he is within the VILLAIN continuity. It seems he was in the position of being Maximillion Shepard’s right-hand man, but he has to get through Brick House and we all know how easy that is! Is anything ever easy in the VILLAIN universe? NEVER! Because that’s how VILLAINS do it.

Aren’t these Origins awesome? You can always count on the VILLAIN Team to hook you up. Let us know what other characters you’d like to see featured in the VILLAIN Origins Series below in the comment section or on our Facebook and Twitter pages. We just might listen…

Have a villainous weekend!

Shanda Daranouvong

ATTN: The Mini Indie Comic Con scheduled for this Saturday in Napa, Ca has been CANCELLED. We’re sorry if this causes any inconvenience to any of you who were planning on coming out.  We are completely bummed about it and hope to be able to make our villainous descent upon the Napa area sometime in the future.

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