A Villainous note from the Writer Hello again Villains. So here it is, the start of issue 9. We begin with a flashback to a much happier time for Matthew. Laughing, playing and enjoying life with his family. Oh, what could[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged webcomic
:Approve: A Villainous note from the Guest Cover Artist Wait. WHAT?!? The Insidious Inker can DRAW?!?! Yes!! Most inkers CAN draw!! BTW, isn’t LUIS ALONSO doing a FANTASTIC JOB on the inks?! But I digress, the INVENTOR! Sly dog that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
:Shout: A Villainous note from the Editor Namaste, VILLAINS! Things are heating up over here at VILLAIN headquarters. VILLAIN #9 is rolling ahead with some smokin’ Variant Covers by Paul Yerro, Larry Haines, Warin Johnson and our very own,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…