A Villainous note from the Inker

Let me say thanks to everyone and their questions!

Inking procedure… Once I receive a page from Tobe, I take the time to actually go over each panel, to make sure I understand what’s going on and how I will attack the page. I will go back and reference older pages so I can see what style was used (even though I have my own, its always wise to see what was done before and go from   there). Some say you should start at the top left corner of the page and work your way done (this technique help lessen smudges), but I sometimes tackle the toughest part first and get it out of the way. I warm up sometimes by taking a couple of swipes of the brush on a practice piece, but most of the time I go right ahead and start the inking.

Tools of the trade…. On a good % of the pages I use Velum paper over a photocopy of the pencils and a light box. I know its not as traditional as Bristol board and Blue lines, but then its not as expensive (Scanner,Printer,   etc..). I use Micron pens (great for any tech such as buildings, boarders, etc), brushes 0,1,2-they do not have to be hyper expensive, but you need to care for them. French Curves, nibs, old plastic credit cards (or hotel room keys/cards) which you can use for splatter effects, also toothbrushes, and white out or white acrylic paint for corrections or splatter. Would like to one day do digital on a 24”Cintiq (need to save up).

Favorite Issue of Villain… The one I’m working on of course hahaha. My favorite pages were the fight scenes that just happened. Very intense!!!

Cats or Dogs…Dogs are very loyal, but I love Cats since they are always so mysterious, and I know that no matter what they will survive, instinct has not been breed out.

Villains or Heroes…The Villain makes the Heroes, if not for Villains every day would be a dull ass day. They also have the coolest costumes (in my opinion).

Youtube is a great tool to reference inking techniques, just search for “comicbook inking”. There are very talented artists there, who are much better than I am, and I know you can learn a lot from them…I do.

Again Thanks to everyone, and never be afraid to do your thing, take as many opportunities to show off your artwork, and take the critiques good or bad, as fuel to better yourself.

Luis Alonso

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